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Communicate through wireless networks on laptops, tablets, cellular phones, and other devices.
Electronic research administration, including research business office operations.
Dropbox at U-M is a cloud file storage option that provides automatic back-up and is readily accessible from any device.
MPrint is U-M's printing service that allows campus community members to print from their computer or mobile device to networked campus printers.
Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and group messaging.
Google at U-M is a Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals software bundle that provides core apps Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Sites, Meet, Chat, and more.
Campus Computing Sites provide public access workstations—including a wide variety of software and computing services—to U-M students, faculty, and staff.
Shibboleth allows people to log in to web resources at InCommon-member institutions using the ID and password they use at their own institution.
Software Services offers software licensing and purchasing for University of Michigan departments.
SignNow is a cloud-based offering that enables users to electronically prepare and send university business documents for the purpose of requesting and obtaining digital signatures and other information on those documents.
Adobe Creative Cloud is a collection of applications and services for designing print and online media, video editing, web development, photography, and more.
The U-M Net VPN service creates a secure, encrypted connection between your device and the U-M network. It enables access to university resources from untrusted networks.
Microsoft Office 365 is available to current University of Michigan faculty, staff, students, and emeritus with regular uniqnames.
Virtual Sites is a tool that allows faculty, staff, and students to access a full Campus Computing Sites Windows desktop virtual desktop from any device. This provides on-the-go access to a broad range of licensed software.
Slack at U-M is a collaboration tool that enhances workgroup communications.
M-Pathways' integrated structure allows data to be shared among M-Pathways modules and between M-Pathways and other reporting systems. The university's M-Pathways systems include: the Financials & Physical Resources System, the Human Resource Management System, and the Student Administration System.
A full lineup of news, entertainment, and sports channels is available through our campus-wide cable network. Campus units can purchase a cable connection in most campus buildings. Cable service is available in residence hall lounges and other public areas, and in some graduate student apartments.
Zoom Phone is a downloadable softphone application that allows users to make and receive phone calls via the internet on mobile devices, laptops, and desktops.
Students on the Ann Arbor campus can check out a pre-configured Windows PC laptop with access to the Campus Computing Sites software library.
The ITS Tech Repair Service provides low-cost assistance to U-M individuals and departments at two full-service locations.