If you need to connect remotely, the following resources are available to help you bring your university work to you. See related guides from Dearborn and Michigan Medicine.
Remote Resource Guide
Choose a topic
Getting Started
Prepare and connect to the university community and resources from home and the Ann Arbor campus.
Deliver instruction remotely, communicate with students online, and conduct online assessments.Teaching & Student Engagement
Continue your class and group work away from campus.Learning & Study
Connect to research computing resources.Research
Communicate and collaborate with colleagues and access online resources.Work
Keep in touch with friends and family and stay busy while practicing social distancing.Community & Well-being
Resources for improving your internet experience at home.Improve Your Home Internet
If you have feedback or suggestions for this guide, please let us know. For other questions or to get help with the services in this guide, please contact the ITS Service Center.