The monthly U-M Google summaries inform the university community of Google releases for Core Apps as well as the Non-Core Apps (those that are not part of the G Suite for Education agreement). We communicate important information on Core Apps throughout the month. Core and Non-Core Apps are listed on the G Suite website.
New Updates:
New Google Sites ( now offers ten Google-made templates and the option to add announcement banners to your sites. Google has built ten templates for common site uses (similar to pre-made templates in Drive) which are available in 16 languages. With one click, you can start a site suited for a specific purpose with a professional look and feel. Then, you can customize the site to make it your own. Note: At this time, users are still unable to create custom templates for use in new Google Sites, a feature that is only available in classic Google Sites.
Announcement banners help site owners communicate timely and important messages to visitors. They display information in a banner at the top of the site, grabbing viewers’ attention when they land on the site. Visit the Google Sites Help Center to learn more about how to add an announcement banner to a site.
Google Meet on mobile devices will now automatically enhance your video to adapt to low-light conditions. Video enhancements will begin five seconds after entering an area with low-light. As your lighting conditions change, Meet will intelligently adapt to ensure your video is as ideal as it can be. This feature will be ON by default for the Google Meet mobile app (Android/iOS). To turn low-light mode off, you can do so in the Settings menu during a Meet session.
Previously Communicated: