U-M Google Accessibility

This page provides information about known accessibility barriers and workarounds. Questions can be sent to the Knox Center staff at [email protected]. General information about Information Technology (IT) Accessibility at the University of Michigan is on the U-M IT Accessibility Efforts page.

Important: Google makes frequent feature releases, interface changes, and service upgrades, often without advance notice. Due to this, the accessibility of new features, interfaces, and services in U-M Google has not been properly tested, and workarounds have yet to be determined. If you have any questions or concerns, use our digital accessibility contact form.

G Suite General Resources

Additional Resources

Keyboard Shortcuts

These are additional services not covered by U-M's contract. They may display advertisements, require additional terms of service agreements, and have a separate privacy policy.

  • macOS (for all applications) — Apple support site
  • Windows (for all programs) — Windows support site
  • Earth — Google support site
  • Maps — shortcutkeys.net
  • YouTube — YouTube video

Contact Google directly with questions and comments via their feedback form. You may also join the Accessibility Google Group and view the archive. Use the Join group button. Google staff read and occasionally respond to messages there.


  • Organize email with Labels and Filters
  • We do not recommend using Sites to create compliant websites. Here are some tips from Google on how to improve accessibility in Google Sites.
  • Issues and Workarounds for Dragon NaturallySpeaking v. 12
    Note: We have not tested Google Apps with the Macintosh version of Dragon