Spelling and Grammar Improvements in Google Docs

June 14, 2019

New features in Google Docs enhance existing spell check functions and highlight possible grammatical errors in the text. Google is also introducing a revamped interface for reviewing spelling and grammar suggestions that make it faster and easier to spot and correct errors in your text.

Some improvements are:

  • Grammar 
    • Possible grammar corrections will be underlined in blue. To see a suggested correction or dismiss the alert, right-click on it. 
    • You will also see possible grammar errors when running a spelling and grammar check through the Tools menu. 
  •  New language review interface
    • You can review all language suggestions for a document with the updated spelling and grammar check tool. Access it through the Tools menu or right-click on a suggestion and select Review more suggestions — you’ll see each suggestion and actions to correct any errors. 

See Google Cloud Product News to learn more about how Google is using machine learning to recognize errors and suggest corrections to improve your writing.