In 2018, Google announced they would begin slowly releasing their new video conferencing service, Hangouts Meet. As part of moving video calls away from Classic Hangouts and over to Hangouts Meet, Google will begin migrating video conferencing links for recurring Calendar events from Classic Hangouts to Hangouts Meet.
According to Google, this migration is scheduled to begin on Monday, March 25 and could take 15 days or more to reach all accounts at U-M.
This change will take place gradually as users join affected meetings. They will see a migration banner notifying them that “Future occurrences of this meeting will use the new Hangouts Meet”. After the end of the call, all participants will get updated event information with the new meeting details. Single instance (non-recurring) Calendar events will remain unchanged.
For more information on the migration, visit Google’s product announcement page. Additionally, see how Classic Hangouts compares to Hangouts Meet on Google’s Help Center.
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