Recruiting & Admissions Advisory Group

The Recruiting & Admissions Advisory Group provides a forum for schools and colleges to have input into the processes of recruiting and admissions. This advisory group is currently known as ASP (Admitting Systems Production group).


A school/college admitting office representative chairs the Recruiting & Admissions Advisory Group on a rotating basis. The chairperson is elected every two years.

The membership consists of representatives from each of the admitting offices on campus. Participation from other central and campus offices is encouraged.

People who are not current representatives can request to be placed on the agenda to raise a specific issue. To request to be placed on an agenda, the person should contact the chairperson stating the specific issue to be addressed.


To help promote and ensure the effective administration and implementation of recruiting and admissions at the University of Michigan by:

  • Providing a forum for open dialog on overall recruiting and admissions processes.
  • Seeking input from and representing the needs of recruiting and admissions stakeholders throughout the University community.
  • Identifying potential areas of improvement in the overall recruiting and admissions process.
  • Reviewing the impact of policy issues on business processes
  • Providing input to and making recommendations regarding system-related enhancements.
  • Providing input to and making recommendations regarding manual process enhancements.
  • Sharing best practices within the group and with other recruiting and admissions stakeholders throughout the University community.
  • Communicating the group's activities and discussions with other stakeholders throughout the University community.


The Recruiting and Admissions Advisory Group meets twice a month.

  • An email group of the members of this Advisory Group has been created for contact purposes. The email group is [email protected].
  • An agenda is distributed prior to each meeting using the email group.
  • Minutes of each meeting are kept. The minutes may be shared with the Student Unit Liaisons.