Development Unit Liaisons

Unit Development
Air Force Officer Education Program
Alumni Association Kristen Hall
Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) Sarah Jarzembowski
Army Officer Education Program
Art & Design, School of Nan Pozios
Athletics Brian Kegler
AVP Enrollment Management
AVP for Finance
Bentley Historical Library Kellie Carpenter
Center for Academic Innovation
Center for Educational Outreach
Center for Reseach on Learning and Teaching (CRLT)
CEW+ (Center for Education of Women) Jamie Zawistowski
Dearborn Campus Linda Jacoby
Dentistry, School of Carrie Towns
Education, School of Krissa Rumsey
Engineering, College of December Therrien
Environment and Sustainability (SEAS), School for Matt Kasten
Executive VP & Chief Financial Officer Lil Mazza
Financial Analysis
Financial Operations Kevin Riegle
Flint Campus Sheila Currier
Ford School of Public Policy Jackie Riecks
Information and Technology Services (ITS) Lil Mazza
Information, School of Lauren Cecil
Innovation Partnerships Jena Ault
Institute for Continuing Legal Education (ICLE) Jennifer Borden
Institute for Research on Women & Gender (IRWG) Jena Ault
Institute for Social Research (ISR) Henry Jewell
International Center Pam Stone
Investment Office
Kinesiology, School of Louis Perdue
Knight-Wallace Fellows
Law School Jennifer Borden
Life Sciences Institute Alyson Carter
Literature, Science and the Arts (LSA), College of Hanah Wilkins
Logistics, Transportation & Parking
Mary A. Rackham Institute Michele Siegal
Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum Meredith Olson
Medical School Kelli Rupard
Men's Glee Club
Merit Network
Michigan Creative
Michigan Dining (Division of Student Life) Pam Stone
Michigan Health Corporation Kelli Rupard
Michigan Medicine (UMHS) Kelli Rupard
Michigan Public Media and Radio Talisha Reviere-Winston
Museum of Art Alisunn Jones
Music, Theatre, and Dance, School of Emily Sharpe
National Center for Institutional Diversity Hanah D Wilkins
Navy Officer Education Program Pam Stone
News Service
Nursing, School of Kelly Palkowski
Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives (OAMI)
Office of Budget and Planning Pat McClanahan
Office of Financial Aid (OFA) Jeanie Moody-Novak
Office of New Student Programs (ONSP)
Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Jena Ault
Office of Student Publications Kathy Ciesinski
Office of the General Counsel Kevin Riegle
Office of the President Pam Stone
Office of Undergraduate Admissions (OUA)
Office of University Audits
Office of University Development Kevin Riegle
Palmer Commons
Pharmacy, College of Amber Morin
Plant Operations
Procurement Services
Provost & Executive VP for Academic Affairs
Public Health, School of Michael Sullivant
Public Safety & Security
Rackham School of Graduate Studies Michele Siegal
Radrick Farms
Recreational Sports (Division of Student Life) Pam Stone
Registrar's Office Jeannie Moody-Novak
Ross School of Business Melissa Cox
Shared Services Center Steven Cheesewright
Social Work, School of Halla Jomaa-Jouney
Student Life Pam Stone
Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning (TCAUP) Julia Broadway
Treasurer's Office Kevin Riegle
Treasurer's Office - Risk Management
University Health Service (Division of Student Life) Pam Stone
University Housing (Division of Student Life) Pam Stone
University Human Resources Chris White
University Library Kevin Riegle
University Musical Society Rachelle Lesko
University Press
University Unions (Division of Student Life) Pam Stone
Vice President & Secretary of the University
Vice President for Communications
Vice President for Government Relations Eric Sortor
Vice President for Research Jena Ault
William L. Clements Library Anne Bennington-Helber