Examples include:
- Software implementation or development
- Infrastructure upgrades
- Operations and maintenance activities
- Business process improvement
- Conference or other live event planning
- Marketing and communications campaigns
- Any work done by a group of people with identifiable tasks and start and end dates.
Due to the global nature of the module and the goal for the service (see above) of keeping cost low, no customizations can be made for specific customer needs. Features in the tool need to remain relevant to any group of users in our community, regardless of their own business process and preferences.
All users of TDx PPM will have the option to join the TeamDynamix Project Management for Campus MCommunity Group, which will receive monthly updates from ITS about the service. These updates will include information about improvements and new releases from the vendor, along with tips and latest news from ITS.
ITS will provide technical support and guidance in using the tool; however, project management processes and expectations remain determined by and supported within the Unit itself. For example, ITS will not be able to provide guidance on which project management methods or practices will work best for specific projects.
Any unit who adopts TDx for project management will need to identify a Unit PPM Lead who can provide unit-specific support, which includes training and rules for your area, as well as project intake and the process for creating, monitoring, and closing projects.
The onboarding process can take as little as one month to complete from the time of the onboarding interview with the service team. TDx PPM features are easy to learn and do not require advanced technical skill. ITS provides pre-recorded training sessions on TDx PPM delivered by TeamDynamix Consultants. These instructional videos are the main method for learning how to use TDx PPM. Unit PPM Leads should watch them early in the adoption steps as they answer all of the basic questions about the features. Units should have in place well-supported business processes and project management methodology to make a quicker and more efficient transition.
ITS is unable to migrate project data from another application into TeamDynamix and, therefore, recommends starting complex projects anew in the tool if at all possible in order to reduce burden and confusion from carryover. The tool provides limited importing capabilities.
Please submit your ideas or feedback in a ticket to the service team. ITS maintains a list of feature enhancements submitted by U-M. Please review this list before submitting a new request.
ITS will launch the new service April 1, 2021, and expects the first units to complete onboarding by the end of April. Additional units will be onboarded in subsequent months.
Contact the ITS PMO to express your unit’s interest in using TeamDynamix PPM. Ensure you have also engaged other departments in your unit and identified an appropriate Unit PPM Lead who can provide unit-specific support, which includes training and rules for your area, as well as a project intake process.