U-M Slack Updates

Introducing Slack Lists, a new task management tool built into Slack


Slack has announced a new task management tool built into the service called “lists.” Slack Lists can be used for to-dos, project tracking, goal planning, and more. By default, lists you create are private and can only be accessed by you unless you share the list to allow others to see or collaborate on it. Additionally, you can import a CSV, and Slack will help you categorize the data into a list. (You can also export a list as a CSV file.)

Animated demonstration of the new Lists feature in Slack

Refer to the Slack Help Center to learn more about using Lists and find helpful guides/video walkthroughs. You can also refer to the ITS Knowledge Base for information about Lists in the U-M Slack environment.

According to Slack, this feature should begin showing up in U-M Slack on July 23, 2024, and could take a day or more to become fully visible.

Set an out-of-office status and auto-reply in U-M Slack


Slack has introduced a new feature that allows you to set an out-of-office status with a customizable auto-reply message. When you set an out-of-office status and auto-reply:

  • Members who mention (@) you in a channel will receive a private channel message with your auto-reply.
    • This message is only visible to the person who mentioned you.
    • If someone mentions you multiple times, they will only receive the auto-reply message once.
  • Your out-of-office status will appear above the message field when someone direct messages you.
  • Members can view your full out-of-office status from your profile or when they hover over your status emoji in the desktop app.
  • Your status and auto-reply message are only visible to other U-M Slack members.

Slack "Set a status" settings showing new out of office status and auto-reply message option

This feature is now available in U-M Slack, though you may need to update your desktop app first. Learn more about setting an out-of-office status and auto-reply in Slack. (Please note that these out-of-office and auto-reply features apply only to Slack. Google Calendar out-of-office events and MCommunity away messages are separate from Slack.)

Reminder: New Slack user interface arriving November 14


As a reminder, a redesign to the organization and layout of workspaces in U-M Slack is rolling out to the university on November 14, 2023. This change will affect all versions of Slack across every desktop, mobile, and browser application.

Note: You may need to refresh Slack twice on November 14 for your desktop and mobile apps to update. To refresh your apps:
- Mac: Cmd + Shift + R
- Windows: Ctrl + Shift + R
- Mobile: Close and reopen the app

Screenshot of the new Slack UI in the University of Michigan instance of Slack

Some of the most notable updates include:

  • New unified Home view: All channels, direct messages, and apps from every workspace you're a member of are now viewable from one location. However, you can filter Home to view specific U-M workspaces and their content as needed.
  • Your profile and status have moved to the bottom left corner.
  • New Create button for starting DMs, channels, huddles, and canvases.
  • Notifications are organized into DMs, Activity, and Later in the far left pane.
  • An updated experience for themes.

All of the features and functionality currently available to you will otherwise remain unchanged.

You can learn more about everything that’s changing in U-M Slack and check out both the U-M Slack FAQ page and Slack's Help Center FAQ to get answers to common questions. It may also be a good time to review Slack’s updated Quick Start Guide, which details each section of the Slack interface.

New Slack user interface arriving November 14


Slack has announced a significant redesign to the organization and layout of workspaces, which will roll out to U-M Slack on November 14, 2023. This change will affect all versions of Slack across every desktop, mobile, and browser application. (You may have already noticed the change in your other workspaces outside the University of Michigan!)

Screenshot of the new Slack UI in the University of Michigan instance of Slack

Some of the most notable updates include:

  • New unified Home view: All channels, direct messages, and apps from every workspace you're a member of are now viewable from one location. However, you can filter Home to view specific U-M workspaces and their content as needed.
  • Your profile and status have moved to the bottom left corner.
  • New Create button for starting DMs, channels, huddles, and canvases.
  • Notifications are organized into DMs, Activity, and Later in the far left pane.
  • An updated experience for themes.

All of the features and functionality currently available to you will otherwise remain unchanged.

You can learn more about everything that’s changing in U-M Slack and check out both the U-M Slack FAQ page and Slack's Help Center FAQ to get answers to common questions. It may also be a good time to review Slack’s updated Quick Start Guide, which details each section of the Slack interface.

Walkthrough of the major updates to the Slack user experience like new Home view, Create button, and more

Introducing canvases, a new way to collaborate in U-M Slack


Slack has announced a new tool to help you collaborate and share information within channels and direct messages called “canvases.” Slack canvases can act as a persistent hub for all the important information and links members need for a specific channel or direct message (as compared to using bookmarks or pinned messages). They can also be used for jotting down quick notes or personal reminders to just yourself.

Important: Slack canvases are NOT related to U-M Canvas or the Canvas LMS. Slack canvases are an unrelated feature in U-M Slack only.

Example of a user clicking to create a new canvas in Slack, then proceeds to scroll down and add content like headers, checklists, videos, and workflows.

Use canvases for:

  • Channel-specific information (e.g., collecting links, FYIs, etc.)
  • Brainstorming (e.g., during Huddles)
  • Replacing the Slack Posts feature

If you currently use the Slack Posts feature, all existing posts will eventually be converted to canvases, and all of your content will be saved. (Note that this is not the same as a Slack message. It is an additional feature found under the plus sign (+) icon in your message field, and it will be going away soon.)

Do not use canvases for:

  • Long-term documentation
  • Sensitive data
  • Information that you need to export from Slack

Important: Slack does not allow individuals to export canvases. If the information may need to leave Slack in the future, we recommend using a Google Doc instead.

Refer to What is a Slack Canvas? to learn more about using canvases in U-M Slack. The article includes information on sharing/permissions and ownership, current limitations, accessibility, and links to other useful resources.

According to Slack, this feature should begin rolling out to U-M Slack on June 20, 2023, and could take several days or longer to become fully visible.