Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

DEI 2.0: Moving Forward Together

Our Commitment

We commit to diversity, equity and inclusion as a means to flourish individually, excel professionally, and advance knowledge in information technology at U-M.

We will accomplish this by fostering a climate rooted in mutual respect, drawing on intellectual strength, and producing innovative solutions from the synergy of our people.

Find more DEI 2.0 resources for ITS employees (U-M login required)

DEI 1.0 — Our Accomplishments

Passport Program

32 DEI modules
302 activities
481 participants
24 classes/trainings
12 watch parties


50 services in EAS evaluated with the Accessibility Scorecard,
Hired Assistant Director IT Accessibility

Talent Management

Improvements to our strategies in recruiting and retaining staff, renaming and streamlining of annual review process, Innovation Fridays


Words Matter Task Force, DEI Slack channel, VPIT-CIO led Town Halls, informal chats, weekly messages from VPIT-CIO, incorporated DEI opportunities

ITS DEI 2.0 Strategic Plan — Distal Objectives

Distal objectives refers to the three overarching campus-wide DEI strategies in terms of people, process, and products.

People: Recruit, Retain & Develop a Diverse Community
Process: Promoting & Equitable & Inclusive Community
Products: Education, Scholarship & Service

Like other U-M units, ITS has its own five-year plan that includes strategic objectives, measures, and actions planned for each fiscal year. Read the complete plan to learn more. (U-M Login Required)

Our Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion