Release 5.39

June 17, 2024

Electronic Medical Record

  • Animal Events / Clinicals - Updating the Current Location on an Animal Event will additionally update the Current Location on the related Clinical, as well as the Current Location on other Open Animal Events for the same Clinical #.
  • Animal Treatment Report (ATR) - Drug Administration Record (DAR), Food Chart (FC), Weight Chart (WC) instructions now each have their own field (vs. putting those in the Treatment Plan or SOAP Note fields).

Animal Protocol

  • Protocols (PRO) / Amendments (AME) - Two new questions have been added to the Personnel Page.
  • Purchase and Transfer Animal Use Forms: Links and instructions have been added to help approvers access the space available in the requested housing location.

Pocket Timecards

Pocket Timecard Entry - The initial retrieval time for beginning the process has been reduced.