This is a catalog of system-generated email notifications from eRAM.
- Application/Protocol
- Amendment
- Protocol Expiration
- Medical Surveillance
- Controlled Substance Registration
- Animal Use
- Animal Treatment Record (ATR)/Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
- Action Item/Shortcode
- Action Item/USDA Request
- Post-approval Monitoring (PAM)
- Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM)
Subject | Recipient(s) |
eRAM Application # is ready for submission | Protocol PI only |
eRAM Application # successfully submitted | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM Changes to application # successfully submitted | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
IACUC # is Approved | Protocol PI, PI Proxy, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
Renewal IACUC # is Approved | Protocol PI, PI Proxy, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM Protocol # Approved * for when controlled substances are indicated and need to be verified |
Controlled Substance Monitors |
eRAM Application # requires a controlled substance registrant | Protocol PI, Application/Protocol Editor |
Waste disposal requirements on eRAM application # | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM Vaccine Available for Hazard on Application # | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM EHS Safety Findings for Review for protocol # | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM EHS Safety Findings were posted/accepted for protocol # | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM Changes to application # required | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM REMINDER: Changes to application # required | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM REMINDER: Changes required to application # *second round of reminders |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM FINAL NOTICE: Changes required to Protocol # cancellation pending | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM Application Review Opportunity | All IACUC Reviewers |
eRAM Application # ready for review | Designated/Assigned IACUC Reviewers |
eRAM Application # ready for review of changes | Designated/Assigned IACUC Reviewers |
Overdue Protocol/Amendment Review | Designated/Assigned IACUC Reviewers |
eRAM Review of scientific merit needed for Application # | Department Designated Reviewer |
Reminder: An Application Requires Your Review | Department Designated Reviewer |
eRAM Application # sent to full committee review | All IACUC Reviewers and the RCA |
eRAM Application # withdrawn | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM Protocol # cancelled | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM ABSL 2 Exemptions Request for protocol # | EHS Reviewers |
Study Team/ACU Office Comments posted for eRAM protocol# | Can include: PI/Lab Contact/Email Recipients, ACU Office, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
Reviewer/ACU Office Comments posted for eRAM protocol # | Can include: Designated Reviewers, All Reviewers, ACU Office, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
ACU Office Comments posted for eRAM protocol # | Can include: ACU Office, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
EHS/IBC/ACU Office Comments posted for eRAM protocol # | Can include: EHS Reviewers, IBC Reviewers, ACU Office, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
IBC/EHS ACU Office comments posted for eRAM protocol # | Can include: EHS Reviewers, IBC Reviewers, ACU Office, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
Comments for EHS/IBC posted for eRAM protocol # | Can include: EHS and IBC Reviewers |
EHS comments posted for eRAM protocol # | Can include: Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, ACU Office, IBC Reviewers, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
Comments for EHS posted for eRAM protocol # | EHS Reviewers |
IBC comments posted for eRAM protocol # | Can include: Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, ACU Office, EHS Reviewers, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
Comments for IBC posted for eRAM protocol # | IBC Reviewers |
To ACU Office: PI Information updated for eRAM protocol # | ACU Office |
ATTENTION: Animal balance is 20% or lower on protocol # | Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers of the protocol |
ATTENTION: Animal balance is 10% or lower on protocol # | Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers of the protocol |
60 Days of Inactivity Warning for eRAM Protocol # | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
Cancelled Due to 90 Days of Inactivity eRAM Protocol # | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
Subject | Recipient(s) |
eRAM amendment for protocol # is ready for submission | Protocol PI only |
eRAM amendment for protocol # successfully submitted | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM changes to amendment for protocol # successfully submitted | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
Amendment to IACUC protocol # is approved | Protocol PI, PI Proxy, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM Amendment for protocol # approved *for when controlled substances are indicated and need to be verified |
Controlled Substance Monitors |
eRAM Application # amendment requires a controlled substance registrant | Protocol PI, Application/Protocol Editor |
eRAM Vaccine available for hazard on eRAM application # | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM Waste Disposal Requirements for protocol # | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM Changes to amendment for protocol # required | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM Reminder: Changes to amendment for protocol # required | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM Reminder: Changes required to amendment for protocol # *second set of reminders |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM FINAL NOTICE: Changes required to amendment for protocol # cancellation pending | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM Amendment to protocol # Review Opportunity | All IACUC Reviewers |
eRAM Amendment for protocol # sent to full committee review | All IACUC Reviewers, Assigned RCA |
eRAM Amendment for protocol # ready for review of changes | Designated/Assigned IACUC Reviewers |
Overdue Protocol/Amendment Review | Designated/Assigned IACUC Reviewers |
eRAM review of scientific merit needed for amendment to protocol # | Department Designated Reviewer |
eRAM REMINDER: Review of scientific merit needed for amendment to protocol # | Department Designated Reviewer |
EHS Hazards Summary updated for eRAM amendment # | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM EHS Safety Findings reminder for protocol # | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM EHS Safety Findings notification for protocol # | New personnel added on an amendment |
Study Team/ACU Office Comments posted for eRAM amendment # | Can include: Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, ACU Office, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
Reviewer/ACU Office Comments posted for eRAM amendment # | Can include: Designated Reviewers, All Reviewers, ACU Office, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
ACU Office Comments posted for eRAM amendment # | Can include: ACU Office, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
EHS/IBC/ACU Office Comments posted for eRAM amendment # | Can include: EHS Reviewers, IBC Reviewers, ACU Office, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
IBC/EHS/ACU Office Comments posted for eRAM amendment # | Can include: EHS Reviewers, IBC Reviewers, ACU Office, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
Comments for EHS/IBC posted for eRAM amendment # | Can include: EHS Reviewers and IBC Reviewers |
EHS comments posted for eRAM amendment # | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, ACU Office, IBC Reviewers, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
Comments for EHS posted for eRAM amendment # | EHS Reviewers |
IBC Comments posted for eRAM amendment # | Can include: Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, ACU Office, EHS Reviewers, All RCAs, Assigned RCA |
Comments for IBC posted for eRAM amendment # | IBC Reviewers |
Amendment # for protocol # 30 Day Inactivity Warning | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
Amendment # for protocol # Cancelled Due to Inactivity | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
Protocol Expiration
Subject | Recipient(s) |
eRAM Protocol # expiring in 120 days | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM Protocol # expiring in 90 days *for protocols where no action has been taken after the 120 day reminder was sent |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM ACTION REQUIRED: Protocol # expiring in 60 days *for protocols where no action has been taken after the 90 day reminder was sent |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients, PI Department Chair |
eRAM ACTION REQUIRED: Protocol # expiring in 60 days *for protocols where a renewal has been started but not yet submitted |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients, PI Department Chair and Administrative Assistant |
eRAM Animal Transfer May be Required *60 day reminder for protocols where a renewal has been submitted but not yet approved |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM Animal Transfer Required *60 day reminder for protocols where no renewal is planned and there are animals remaining in ULAM facilities |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM Response Required - Confirmation of animals in Non-Barcoded Area *60 day reminder for protocols where no renewal is planned and there may be non-barcoded animals |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contact/Email Recipients |
eRAM ACTION REQUIRED: Final notice of protocol # expiration *30 day reminder where no action has been taken after the 60 day reminder was sent and animals are housed in a non-ULAM facility |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, PI Department Chair and Administrative Assistant |
eRAM ACTION REQUIRED: Final notice of protocol # expiration *30 day reminder where no action has been taken after the 60 day reminder was sent and there are animals remaining in ULAM facilities |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, PI Department Chair and Administrative Assistant |
eRAM ACTION REQUIRED: Final notice of protocol # expiration *30 day reminder where no action has been taken after the 60 day reminder was sent and there are no animals remaining in ULAM facilities |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, PI Department Chair and Administrative Assistant |
eRAM Action Required: Transfer form needed for protocol # *30 day reminder for protocols where no renewal is planned and there are animals remaining in ULAM facilities |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM Response required: Protocol # expiring *30 day reminder for protocols where no renewal is planned and animals are housed in a non-ULAM facility |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM Application # Approved. Animal Transfer Required *30 day reminder for protocols where the renewal is approved and there are animals remaining in ULAM facilities |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM ACTION REQUIRED: Final notice of protocol # expiration *30 day reminder for protocols where the renewal not yet submitted and animals are housed in a non-ULAM facility |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, PI Department Chair and Administrative Assistant |
eRAM ACTION REQUIRED: Final notice of protocol expiration # *30 day reminder for protocols where the renewal not yet submitted and there are animals remaining in ULAM facilities |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, PI Department Chair and Administrative Assistant |
eRAM ACTION REQUIRED: Final notice of protocol expiration # *30 day reminder for protocols where the renewal not yet submitted and there are no animals remaining in ULAM facilities |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, PI Department Chair and Administrative Assistant |
eRAM Animal Transfer Required *30 day reminder for protocols where a renewal has been submitted but not yet approved and there are animals remaining in ULAM facilities |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM Animal Transfer Required *30 day reminder for protocols where a renewal has been submitted but not yet approved and there are animals remaining in non-ULAM facilities |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM protocol # expired | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
Medical Surveillance
Subject | Recipient(s) |
ACTION REQUIRED - Medical Surveillance Questionnaire must be submitted | Individual person (first request, when added as protocol and/or non protocol animal handler) |
ACTION REQUIRED 2nd Notice - Medical Surveillance Questionnaire must be submitted | Individual person, their supervisor(s) and/or PIs (second request, when added as protocol and/or non protocol animal handler) |
ACTION REQUIRED 3rd Notice - Medical Surveillance Questionnaire must be submitted immediately | Individual person, their supervisor(s) and/or PIs (third request, when added as protocol and/or non protocol animal handler) |
EHS Medical Surveillance form has been received | Individual person |
ACTION REQUIRED - EHS Medical Surveillance Questionnaire Annual Reminder | Individual person (non-required track) |
EHS Medical Surveillance program information | Individual person |
You are non compliant with Medical Surveillance Program Requirements | Individual person, their supervisor(s) and/or PIs (ULAM lock out, access revoked) |
You are compliant with Medical Surveillance Program Requirements | Individual person, their supervisor(s) and/or PIs (ULAM unlock, access reinstated) |
ACTION REQUIRED - Annual Medical Surveillance Questionnaire must be submitted | Individual person (first request, required annual track) |
ACTION REQUIRED 2nd Notice - Annual Medical Surveillance Questionnaire must be submitted | Individual person, their supervisor(s) and/or PIs (second request, required annual track) |
ACTION REQUIRED 3rd Notice - Annual Medical Surveillance Questionnaire must be submitted | Individual person, their supervisor(s) and/or PIs (third request, required annual track) |
Controlled Substance Registration
Animal Use
Subject | Recipient(s) |
eRAM animal transfer requested. Form # needs your attention *for Transfer form types |
Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers of the protocol that finished the Transfer form |
eRAM Adjustment use form # is in Pre-Submission | Individual person who created the form |
eRAM Animal Use form # successfully submitted *for Animal Purchase Request, ULAM Delivery Notification, Report Non-Traditional Animal Acquisition, or Shipping Form (Import) form types |
Protocol PI, Editors and Authorized Signers |
eRAM Animal Use form # successfully submitted | Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers of the protocol that finished the Transfer form |
eRAM Animal Use form # submitted to ACU Office | Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers of the protocol that started the Rodent/Animal Redistribution Program Transfer form |
eRAM Animal Transfer form # submitted for holding protocol *for Transfers to the Holding protocol |
ULAM Barcoding |
eRAM Shipping form # has been submitted *for Shipping Form (Import) type |
ULAM Quarantine |
eRAM Shipping Export form # has been submitted *for Shipping Form (Export) type |
ULAM Quarantine |
eRAM Changes to animal use form # are required *for Transfer form types |
Donating Protocol PI, Protocol Editors, Protocol Authorized Signers |
eRAM Changes to animal use form # are required * for Transfers, Report Non-Traditional Animal Acquisition form types |
Receiving Protocol PI, Protocol Editors, Protocol Authorized Signers |
eRAM Changes to animal use form # are required *all form types except Transfers |
Protocol PI, Editors and Authorized Signers |
eRAM Animal Use Transaction # changes successfully submitted | Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers of both protocols |
eRAM animal use form # needs to be re-reviewed *for Transfer form types |
Finishing Protocol PI, Editors and Authorized Signers |
eRAM animal use form # has been modified *all form types except Transfers and Adjustments |
Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers |
eRAM animal use form # has been modified *for Transfer form types |
Protocol PIs, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers for both the receiving and donating protocols |
Comments have been posted for eRAM Animal Use Form # *All form types |
The person adding comments can select recipient groups such as PIs, Lab Contacts and Authorized Signers, or ACU Office |
eRAM animal use form # has been approved and sent to ULAM processing *All form types except Transfers |
Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers |
eRAM animal use form # is in ULAM Processing or Completed *for Transfer form types |
Receiving Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers |
eRAM animal transfer form # has been approved *for Transfer form types |
ULAM Facility Managers, Protocol PIs and Protocol Editors for both receiving and donating protocols |
eRAM animal transfer form # has been approved * for ABSL2 Housing |
Receiving Protocol PI, Primary Contact and Health Contact |
eRAM animal use # has been cancelled *All form types |
Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers for protocols related to the form |
Use form # Cancelled Due to Inactivity *All form types |
Protocol PIs, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers for both the receiving and donating protocols |
Activated Cage Cards for use form # Ready for Pick Up | Receiving Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers |
Animals Transferred from (expiring protocol) to (recipient protocol) # Approved | Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers of both protocols on a Transfer |
Animals Transferred from (expiring protocol) # to Holding Protocol |
Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers of both protocols on a Transfer |
Animal Transfer # Approved *ULAM performing transfer |
Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers of both protocols on a Transfer; ULAM Barcoding; ULAM Breeding Colony if Breeding Colony protocol is either donating or receiving |
Animal Transfer # Approved *Lab performing transfer |
Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers of both protocols on a Transfer; ULAM Barcoding if breeding sheets or cage cards are needed; ULAM Breeding Colony if Breeding Colony protocol is either donating or receiving |
Animal Transfer # Approved *Clean facility |
Protocol PI, Protocol Editors and Authorized Signers of both protocols on a Transfer; ULAM Barcoding if breeding sheets or cage cards are needed; ULAM Breeding Colony if Breeding Colony protocol is either donating or receiving |
Animal Treatment Record (ATR)/ Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
Subject | Recipient(s) |
eRAM ATR has been assigned to you - <<Building - Room>> | Single Vet Resident (if assignment level is new or Vet Resident is changed) |
eRAM ATR has been assigned to the Vet Residents - <<Building - Room>> | All Vet Residents Group (if assignment level is selected and no person is selected or previous person is removed) |
eRAM ATR has been assigned to you for Faculty Consultation - <<Building - Room>> | Single Vet Faculty (if newly assigned or changed) |
eRAM ATR has been assigned to the Vet Faculty for Consultation - <<Building - Room>> | All Vet Faculty Group (if no person is selected or previous person is removed) |
Comments have been posted for eRAM Animal Event # | Assigned Vet Tech and/or Assigned Vet Resident (if assigned) |
Scheduled DAR Created - # | Assigned Vet Tech and/or Assigned Vet Resident (if newly assigned) |
Scheduled OTR Created - # | Assigned Vet Tech and/or Assigned Vet Resident (if newly assigned) |
Scheduled PE Created - # | Assigned Vet Tech and/or Assigned Vet Resident (if newly assigned) |
Scheduled eRAM Animal Event Updated - # | Assigned Vet Tech and/or Assigned Vet Resident (if newly assigned or changed) |
Action Item/Shortcode
Subject | Recipient(s) |
eRAM Action Item # successfully submitted *for when Breeding Sheets and Barcode Stickers are requested through a Protocol, Use Form, and Cage Card |
Individual person who created the form |
eRAM Action Item # has been assigned | Person or group who are assigned to complete the action item |
Comments have been posted for eRAM Action Item # | Person or groups such as assignee person or group, assigner group, creator |
eRAM Action Item # has been completed | Person or groups such as assignee person or group, assigner group, creator |
eRAM Action Item # has been closed | Person or groups such as assignee person or group, assigner group, creator |
eRAM Action Item # has been reopened | Person or groups such as assignee person or group, assigner group, creator |
eRAM Action Item # has been cancelled | Person or groups such as assignee person or group, assigner group, creator |
eRAM Action Item # is overdue and requires your attention | Shortcode Owner and their Shortcode Managers, and/or PI and Lab Personnel, depending on the action item type |
eRAM Action Item # is overdue and requires your immediate attention | Shortcode Owner and their Shortcode Managers, and/or PI and Lab Personnel, depending on the action item type |
eRAM Shortcode Use Request Action Item # has been assigned | PI who owns the Shortcode being requested, and their Shortcode Managers |
Your Shortcode request (eRAM Action Item # ) has been affirmed by the owning PI | PI who has requested the use of a Shortcode, and their Shortcode Managers |
eRAM Shortcode Request # has been denied | PI who has requested the use of a Shortcode, and their Shortcode Managers |
Shortcode # has been activated | PI who owns the Shortcode, and their Shortcode Managers, and any PIs and their Shortcode Managers who are using this Shortcode on a protocol |
Shortcode # has been deactivated | PI who owns the Shortcode, and their Shortcode Managers, and any PIs and their Shortcode Managers who are using this Shortcode on a protocol |
eRAM Shortcode Maintenance Request Action Item # has been assigned | Shortcode Owner and their Shortcode Managers |
eRAM Action Item # has been assigned; a Shortcode transfer request is needed | Shortcode Owner and their Shortcode Managers |
Shortcode Transfer Request Action Item # has been processed | Shortcode owner and their Shortcode Managers |
Action Item/USDA Request
Subject | Recipient(s) |
USDA Report Information Request | PI and Lab Personnel, ACUO RCAs |
USDA Information Inquiry | PI and Lab Personnel, ACUO RCAs |
Post-approval Monitoring (PAM)
Subject | Recipient(s) |
eRAM Contact your RCA to schedule PAM visit | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM PAM visit scheduling confirmation | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM PAM visit scheduling confirmation *for PAMs where schedule has been changed |
Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM PAM visit scheduling reminder | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
eRAM PAM findings available | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM)
Subject | Recipient(s) |
Comments have been posted for eRAM Charge Statement # | Shortcode Owner and their Shortcode Managers |
ULAM Statement of Charges is available for the most recent billing period in eRAM | Shortcode Owner and their Shortcode Managers |
Animals Ordered # have arrived in ULAM | Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients |
Final Reminder: IACUC Required Training due |
Individual Person, Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, [email protected] |
IACUC Required Training due for IACUC Required In-Person (ILT) – Reminder 30 days before training is due * |
Individual Person, Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, [email protected] |
IACUC Required Training due for IACUC Required In-Person (ILT) – Reminder 55 days before training is due * |
Individual Person, Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, [email protected] |
IACUC Required Training due for IACUC Required Online Training (first-time or recurring) – Reminder 5 days before training is due * |
Individual Person, Protocol PI, Protocol Lab Contacts/Email Recipients, [email protected] |
*Note: Cornerstone Learning sends additional email reminders to the individual assigned training (at assignment, 5 days and 1 day before training is due, at past due, and 30 days past due). |