Version 5.0.2

September 10, 2018

Award Management Functionality Update

An Award Change Request (ACR) can now be created during award processing. Previously, this option was only available after the Award went Active. Units can use this option to request ORSP action, such as adding a HUM, PRO, or other related project to an Award. See the Request Action/Modification (How to Request an Award Change) for more information.

The Modifications tab in the Award Workspace now shows for all awards, since this tab displays ACRs in-progress. This tab was previously displayed only when a modification was started.

Additionally, the Award Modification system-generated email notifications were updated to include more information when the modification is activated. The Modification/Amendment Name, and Prime Sponsor (if applicable) are now included in the email and the PI Last Name has been added to the email subject line.

The Subcontracts tab on the Award Workspace now includes the State of the SUBK.

A system-generated email notification will now be sent for Award records that go into a state of Compliance Hold. This email is sent to the U-M Principal Investigator(s), U-M Sponsor Principal Investigator (if applicable) and the Primary Post-Award Contact listed on the Award.

An issue when creating an Agreement Acceptance Request (AAR) from an Award was resolved.

An issue with completed Deliverables receiving past due email reminders was resolved.

See the Award Management Overview of Changes for general information about award management functionality in eRPM.