Version 5.1

December 10, 2018

Proposal Management Training Updated

The individual step-by-step procedures on the eRPM Training page have been redesigned to be more accessible and responsive. In addition to the new format, procedures have been updated to reflect the implementation of Award Management. Please update your bookmarks accordingly.

Award and Award Modification Updates and Enhancements

The Award Modification system-generated email notifications were enhanced to include more information when the modification is activated. Updates include:

  • Adding in the list of email recipients
  • Adding the Administrative Home department
  • Removing activation information (person and notes) that was on the top of the email

An update was made to Award and Award Modification email recipient groups to exclude deactivated U-M Investigators. This will fix an issue with people receiving emails after they have left the university or are no longer on the project.

On the eRPM Home Workspace under Support Links, Request Admin Personnel Change will be updated to support bulk project team administrative changes for Award projects and includes an option to run a report for AWD - Administrative Personnel.

Award Workspace Updates

To display more tabs on the workspace and limit the number that appear under the More... tab, a first step was made to rename and shorten the Award Workspace tabs. The changes are as follows:

  • "Modifications" to "Mod/ACR"
  • "Terms & Conditions" to "Terms"
  • "Subcontracts" to "SUBKs"
  • "Activity History" and "Change Tracking" combined to "Activity Log"
  • 'Attachments" to "AWD Docs"
  • 'Unit Documents" to "Unit Docs"

The Contact PI and Admin Home Dept were added to the $$$ tab so it is easier to discern the PAFS and Budget Periods on Awards with many budget periods and PAFs. These columns were added to the end of the row, so the Direct, Indirect, and Total columns are next to each other.

The M-Reports Award Link has been revised and moved to the $$$ tab. Based on your role in M-Reports, the link will redirect you to open the Award ID Summary so that those with the Management Reports tab in M-Reports should not have to first find the Award ID Summary page. If you do not have access to M-Reports, you will see this message instead of a link: “You currently do not have access to M-Reports. To gain access, a request must be made in the OARS system.”

The Related Records tab for HUM, PRO, IBCA, and UFA were changed to have the same information that is in the Award worksheet.

The OCA Specialist Name was added to the list of SUBKs on the SUBKs tab.

Update to Deliverables functionality to support ORSP Pilot

ORSP will be piloting new deliverable functionality in early 2019. The following changes have been made to the activity in order to support the updates.

  • Renamed “Manage Deliverables” activity to “Project Team Manage Deliverables”
  • Added a new type of deliverable, “Hardware/Software”, as a selection
  • Additional form updates to support system calculation of project end date

FOIA updates

  • Multiple FOIAs can be added to an Award.
  • The FOIA letter that is generated was updated based on FOIA Office CRIIA requirements.
  • New activities were created for ORSP to Make FOIA Changes, Amend FOIA Details, and Submit FOIA Changes. See the FOIA Letter step-by-step procedure for more details.