February 28, 2022
The eResearch Proposal Management system (eRPM) was updated on February 28, 2022 to version 6.4 with the following enhancements and bug fixes.
- The top, blue navigation bar menu items were rearranged in a simpler order.
- Project Team PAF Search and new eRA Commons ID search functionality are available and located as sub-tabs under Search. See the eRA Commons step-by-step instructions for more details.
New For Reviewer/Approver Roles
- Added new Multi-Record Search options
- Searches common fields across AWDs, PAFs, SUBKs, and UFAs project/record types.
- Added Award-specific fields, including Project/Grant, Direct and Prime Sponsor Award ID, and Purchase Order.
- See the Multi-Record Search tips for more details.
- Implemented new weekly account maintenance where the system checks for and removes access for Reviewer and Approver roles of those persons with no department affiliation.
Note:- Unit Liaisons and Approvers should still strive to maintain updated department sets.
- The automated clean-up will run in the background to ensure people leaving the university or moving on to other non-Research roles are properly off-boarded.
- Impact: An approver/reviewer with an active appointment but no department association will lose access to all records they are not specifically listed on.
There is no longer a requirement to attach documentation for the IACUC office for vertebrate animal work done at other institutions. Therefore, the document uploader was removed from Research Activity question 5.3.1.
Award Change Request (ACR)
- On the ACR workspace Routing & Approval Details tab, the Department column includes a hyperlink that displays department contact information.
- Added ACR smartform question validation and instructions to not allow negative values; positive dollar amounts must be entered in the currency fields.
Unfunded Agreements (UFA)
The Administrative Home chain of Department Reviewers can update personnel using the Manage Administrative Personnel activity.
Subcontracts (SUBK)
- Updated the Documents Required section instructions with new Contract Threshold dollar amounts on the “Subcontract Additional Details” view.
- Added validation to ensure the Revised Budget date is later than the current Award End Date when selecting a Time Extension Amendment.
For Central Offices
- New functionality is available for the eRA Commons ID.
- The ORSP-PR inbox now displays PAFs in the state of “Awaiting Final Proposal” on the Actions in Progress tab.
- PAF: Removed the Create Hardship button from the PAF workspace.
- AWD: Added an optional field for Support Staff to fill out when entering/updating deliverables.
- Checkbox to indicate no final report or hardware, etc. is due to the sponsor.
Export Controls and Security Offices
- AWD: When an Award goes into a “Compliance Hold” state and Export Controls approval is required, a system email will be sent to the Export Controls office notifying that action is required to review the AWD and its Related PAF(s).
- UFA:
- Automated the Annual Review process for Export Control Agreements of Type Technology Control Plan (TCP) including:
- Added new Manage TCP Annual Review Date activity
- On the Export Control workspace, renamed End Date Actions tab to Upcoming TCP Actions; added a new table for Upcoming TCP Annual Review, which includes the ‘End Date’, ‘Fully Executed Date’, and ‘TCP Annual Review Date’.
- On the UFA workspace, added the ‘TCP Annual Review Date’ which is only displayed for TCPs.
- When finished entering data related to a TCP, Export Controls must complete the ECO Notify Project Team to Complete TCP activity.
- The Activate TCP activity sets the ‘Original Fully Executed date’ to today’s date.
- Automated the Annual Review process for Export Control Agreements of Type Technology Control Plan (TCP) including:
- PAF and UFA: Updated the Auto-Request EC Review process to display the Recent Activity as run by System Administrator.
Innovation Partnerships (the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT)
- Resolved a post-processing, state transition issue of the Send for Compliance Review activity.
- UFA: Allow Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) to be sent back to the state of “OTT Processing” via the Return to OTT activity.