Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) Enhancements
- The number of form questions for PI/Project Teams to complete have been reduced.
- Two questions have been combined into a single question.
Previous Questions: Modification of Existing Space (add a lock, block wifi, etc.)? AND Will you require new space not currently under the control of the contact PI or Responsible Faculty member (incremental space)?
New Question: Will there be a need for modifying existing space (i.e., add a lock, block wifi, etc.) or require additional space not currently under the control of the contact PI or Responsible party? - The following questions have been removed:
- Space Security - Are there any specific security requirements?
- Off U-M Property - Will the material be used/sent off U-M property (owned or leased)?
- Openness Restriction - Please indicate if any of the following restrictions on the openness of research apply to this agreement (check all that apply).
- Two questions have been combined into a single question.
- The Office of Tech Transfer (OTT) will evaluate if space security or other restrictions apply and, if needed, will seek unit approval through the Request Unit Approval of Contract Terms activity.
- The Unfunded Agreements (UFA) Summary has been updated to reflect these changes.
Hardship Requests
The Primary Research Administrator now receives an email notification when the PI signs a Hardship Request.
SF424 R&R Detailed Budget Page - New Sort Order
In response to requests from those submitting to, the process used to map U-M Investigators from the Proposal Approval Form (PAF) into the SF424 R&R Detailed Budget Page in the application has been updated. The new sort order is:
- U-M Sponsor PI, if applicable
- U-M Investigator(s) (In cases of multiple PIs, the contact PI is listed first, followed by others listed alphabetically by last name)
- Participating Investigator with specified effort
- Participating Investigator with unspecified effort
- Other Non-Faculty Investigator
If there are multiple individuals within a category, they are listed alphabetically by last name.