May 22, 2017
The following changes will be included in the 3.1.49 release:
- Update to the Euthanasia procedure details page on the Protocol:
- 3 questions were deleted including the location chooser for CO2 overdose.
- Update to the Locations page on the Protocol:
- 2 questions regarding euthanasia and CO2 overdose were added to the locations page for each location selected. If euthanasia will be conducted in a location, the use or non-use of CO2 will need to be indicated.
- Note: these questions will need to be addressed for approved protocols on the next Scientific or PI Change amendment, or at renewal.
- Draft protocols no longer appear under the UCUCA RCA workspace tab "Exemptions that have a document added and do not have an ABSL Level Required entered".
- An issue was resolved which caused the funding approval letter to be attached to email notifications on Personnel and Scientific amendments.
- Step-by-step instructions added to all email notifications for Facility Inspection Action Items.