February 19, 2024
Animal Treatment Report (ATR)/Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
Existing Animal Treatment Report (ATR) / Electronic Medical Record (EMR) functionality was enhanced to include new forms, questions, activities, records and workspaces, and additional species for various animal interactions.
What's New
Added Species
- Existing ATR/EMR system enhanced to include record keeping for:
- Rodent and Non-Rodent USDA species
- No change to mice/rats record keeping
- All remaining species are not yet included in EMR (e.g., fish, amphibians, reptiles, etc.)
New for Husbandry
- Clinical Workspace
- ATR Workspace tab names
- Intake Form (rabbits)
- Weight Chart
- Food Chart
- Create ATR enhanced for USDA species
- Other Event
New for Veterinary
- Clinical Workspace
- ATR Workspace enhanced (scheduled Other (OTR) and Physical Exam (PE))
- Intake Form (non-rodent USDA; husbandry - rabbits)
- Weight Chart
- Food Chart
- Create ATR, Record Visit, and Resolve ATR enhanced for USDA species
- Drug Administration
- Other Event
- Physical Exam (vets)
- Problem List (vets)
- Close Clinical Record
New EMR Training Core Role
- Ability to manage colony in EMR Training Core Home workspace
- Can record Training Core colony intake and animals used in training
- The Training Core will gradually do an Intake for their colony USDA animals and mice/rats
- A CLN # is assigned and written on the cage by Training Core colony manager.
- Once a CLN # is on a cage card, use EMR for all future activities.
What Happens Next? (starting February 19, 2024)
Rodent USDA
Includes (as applies): Chinchilla, Degu, Gerbil, Guinea Pig, Hamster, Jerboa, Cotton Rat, Vole, Woodchuck, and Rodent Other (Deer mouse, Grass Rat, Spiny Mouse)
- No intake is necessary.
- New ATRs are entered in EMR.
- A CLN # is assigned and written on a cage by Veterinary personnel performing the visit.
- Once a CLN # is on a cage card, use EMR for all future activities (stop paper forms).
Non-Rodent USDA
Includes (as applies): Alpaca, Baboon, Bat, Cat, Cow, Dog, Ferret, Goat, Llama, Macaque, Pig, Primate, Rabbit, Sheep, Squirrel Monkey, and Tree Shrew
- Vet Techs will gradually do an intake in EMR for existing non-rodent USDA animals.
- Designated Husbandry Techs will gradually do an intake in EMR for existing rabbits.
- In both cases, a CLN # is assigned and written on the cage by the person doing the intake.
- Once a CLN # is on a cage card, continue using EMR for all future activities (stop paper).
Note: continue to call in emergency USDA after you start using EMR and until further notice.
Resources & References
- EMR Overview - information about Clinicals, ATRs, related Animal Event Records, and system navigation
- ATR/EMR Reference Materials - a list of step-by-step instructions for Husbandry, Veterinary and Training Core staff
V2 Protocol
- Added question under “Location of Animal Activities and Transportation between Locations.”
- In the Compare feature, changed some text to match that of the current protocol:
- Changed "Experimental Design" page name to "Sequential Description"
- Changed "Other" procedure name to "Substance(s) used in Multiple Procedures"