BusinessObjects Upgrade Project FAQ

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have additional questions.

Was there any change in how to access BusinessObjects?

No, BusinessObjects is accessed the same way. 

Is there any specific action required from users to run reports in the new version?

Before starting to run reports in the new BusinessObjects version, we recommend you perform these steps in exact sequence: 

  1. Sign out of BusinessObjects by selecting Log out from the unique name initial circle in the top right corner of the BI Launch Pad. Closing the browser window does not sign you out. You must use Log out.
  2. Close all open browser windows.
  3. Clear your browser cache completely For example, Chrome's default is seven days; please select All Time.
  4. Log back in to BusinessObjects and perform your tasks.

Once you have successfully completed the above steps, you can run reports in the new version with the same functionality as the previous version. Given the look and feel changes to BusinessObjects, users may want to reference the Retrieve and Run a Report document when running a report in the upgraded environment.

Are the reports in the previous version's Public folders and/or Personal folder available in the new version?

Yes, users see all the reports they used to see in the older version. To learn more about managing folders and documents in BO 4.3, see Manage Folders and Documents.

Do I need to schedule my reports again in the new version?

No, the existing schedules run as per schedule in the new version. Users may want to take advantage of new features related to scheduling reports available in BO 4.3. See the Schedule a Report document for additional information about the enhanced scheduling functions.

Why did ITS upgrade BusinessObjects?

The university's previous version of BusinessObjects (BO) was scheduled to no longer be supported by the vendor (SAP) after 2024. BusinessObjects needed to be updated to version 4.3 SP2  to remain fully functional and to continue to meet the needs of the university.

Is there an option to use the old BO production system?

No, the old version is no longer available to users. 

What are some of the key features added in the new version?
  • Instance Manager is on the BO Launchpad home page (Instances) to monitor the scheduled reports.
  • Reports can be scheduled to multiple destinations.
  • A Web Intelligence report can be used as a source to create a new Web Intelligence report.
  • Reports can be selected as favorites and accessed from the home page.
What features were not carried forward to the new version?
  • Applet mode is not available because of using other technology than Java, but all Applet mode related features work in the new version except copying the report block to excel. The workaround is to export the report to excel.
  • Hyperlink in the report cell can be tested in reading mode only.
Is there any change in the process of requesting access to the Data Warehouse/BO Universes?

No, users use the same process as they have been using.

What training resources are available to assist with the changes and new features?