Wolverine Access
Wolverine Access uses search and filter technology to make it easier for members of the campus community to organize web-based campus services in one location.
Michigan App
The Michigan App provides in-app messages and reminders related to academic life, personalized class schedule information, search based on places (campus buildings) and people (faculty, staff and students), location-based content including bus stops, parking locations and dining halls, and featured university events.
Hosting & Storage
Andrew File System (AFS)
A central file storage, sharing, and retrieval system for U-M faculty, staff, and students.
Cloud Services
ITS offers public cloud computing to the University of Michigan community. The service enables the U-M community to more easily consume public cloud computing. It integrates resources on campus, provides consulting services and training, and looks for opportunities to provide shared services using cloud computing.
Cloudflare provides a critical security capability to protect university websites, web applications, and DNS (Domain Name System) servers from external attacks.
MiDatabase is a virtual server with a managed database. Supported platforms include Microsoft SQL, MySQL, and Oracle.
MiServer is a virtual server environment managed by ITS.
Web Hosting Services
Web Hosting is an easy to use Web service that provides campus users access to their own Web applications without needing to download, install, and maintain additional hardware and software.
Certificate Services
SSL, TLS, and X.509 certificates are digital certificates that authenticate a system’s identity and enable an encrypted connection.
Application Development
Mobile Applications
The Mobile Application Services consist of strategies, methodologies, technologies, and tools that facilitate and enable Mobile development across campus.
U-M API Directory
The API Directory offers a robust API publishing and subscription service. This university-wide directory allows secure and authorized access to institutional data for use in research and innovative applications.
Login Service
The Login Service provides a set of Linux machines, the Login Pool, to which members of the U-M community can connect remotely.
GitHub at U-M
GitHub is the single largest host for Git repositories. U-M GitHub gives users access to advanced features under an enterprise license.
Additional Information
Remote Resource Guide
If you need to connect remotely, these resources are available to help you bring your university work to you.