Data Warehouse & APIs

  • U-M Data Warehouse
    The U-M Data Warehouse is a collection of data organized in data sets to support reporting activity for university business. The U-M Data Warehouse includes data extracted from OLTP systems, Legacy systems, and other central data sources.
  • Data Areas & Dictionary
    How the data is structured, the links between tables, and which BusinessObjects folders to use.
  • ETL
    The process of extracting data from source systems and bringing it into the data warehouse.
  • Refresh Schedules
    Each data set has a specific refresh time, and the associated data set tables are unavailable while the refresh is occurring.
  • API Directory
    Pointers to great developer resources on campus.
  • Denodo at U-M
    Denodo at U-M is a data virtualization and data integration platform in use at the University of Michigan.

Administrative Data Environments at U-M

Online Transaction Processing Databases (OLTP)

Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) Databases, where all data entry is performed, are also known as the "production" or "operational" databases. These databases are the repositories used for daily business transactions at the university. As illustrated, data from OLTP databases is extracted an organized into the data warehouse for use in reporting and analysis.

Relationship Between OLTP Databases and U-M Data Warehouse

The administrative data environments at U-M supports different tasks.

  Online Transaction Processing System (OLTP) U-M Data Warehouse (DW)
Primary Use Supports critical University business processes via predefined, user-requested reports with real-time transaction processing in all data areas Primary repository for ad hoc inquiry and reporting
Data Offers real-time transaction processing in all data areas Read-only, reformatted data for all data areas simplifies data structures and optimizes data accessibility
Refresh Schedule Always current Refresh schedule varies by data set
How to Access From PeopleSoft via Wolverine Access, except for DAC System, which is accessed via CICS From BusinessObjects via Wolverine Access