UM-Maintained reports are available within BusinessObjects by clicking Folders on the BI Launch Pad, then navigating to Public Folders > UM-Maintained.
Design & Formatting of Reports
Design Usabilty Checklist
The BusinessObjects Report Design Usability Checklist contains standards for BusinessObjects UM-Maintained reports.
The purpose of the checklist is to encourage consistency in UM-Maintained reports while allowing report writers some flexibility to achieve the needs of a particular report. Therefore, many of the items on the checklist are not required; rather, they are guidelines or suggestions.
This checklist is provided so that the staff in ITS and in central offices can apply the standards as they create a report. Individuals who are writing a report for their own use or for use within their unit can also use the checklist if they want their report formatted similarly to reports in the UM-Maintained folder.
Headers & Footers
Guidelines for Creating Report Headers & Footers contains some hints on how to format headers and footers in BusinessObjects reports to implement the standards on the checklist.
Naming Standards
BusinessObjects Report Naming Standards contains UM-Maintained report naming standards.