Record Your Name
- Creating/Updating Name Recording in NameCoach
- Share Your NameCoach Recording
- Enabling Microphone Access for NameCoach
- Phonetic Spelling Guide
- Phonetic Spelling Instruction - Carnegie Mellon University
NameCoach Email Signature
- Video: NameCoach Email Signature Training
- Adding NameCoach Email Signature in Gmail
- Embedding NameCoach Email Signature in Outlook
- Add Your NameCoach Recording to Your MCommunity Profile
- Use the Maize & Blue NameBadge in your NameCoach Email Signature
Canvas Integration
- Video: Listen & Learn Student names with NameCoach!
- Video: NameCoach Recorder & NameCoach Roster Training
- Video: Create a NameCoach Recording Canvas Assignment
- Hiding NameCoach Roster from a Canvas Course Menu
Slack Integration
Salesforce Integration
NameCoach Salutation
- Video: NameCoach Salutation Training Video for NamePage Admins
- NameCoach Salutation Process Steps
- NameCoach Salutation NamePage Request
- NameCoach Spreadsheet Upload Tool (Salutation Name Page Admin Only)
- NameCoach Salutation Page Admin Only - Link for Reminding to Record/Rerecord Name