August 21, 2023
eResearch Regulatory Management (eRRM) was updated on August 21, 2023 to version 4.6.1. System changes in this release include the following updates:
IBC Application (IBCA)
In the "Animal Species" details of section 6. Research Involving Animals, added new questions about dissection procedures in biosafety cabinets at non-vivarium research labs. The new questions will conditionally display if required, based on previous answers.
Human Subjects Application (HUM)
- References to “Office of Technology Transfer" (OTT) were changed to “Innovation Partnerships” throughout Regulatory Management to reflect the current name.
- Revisions made in the letter sent to study team members for research involving minors.
COI Ancillary Committee Members
On the Home workspace Inbox tab, added Amendments to the "Advanced for IRB Review" lister.