HUM Application
Updated question 1-6.4 to include a new Cancer Center research program: Cancer Hematopoiesis and Immunology. Based on certain criteria, some current studies will be assigned to the new program choice.
Updated question 10-3.1.2 and help text to clarify alteration of informed consent elements.
Upload of CRAO approved Billing Calendar is no longer required in eResearch. CRAO now manages billing calendars in OnCore.
For applications reviewed by an external IRB, the "Upload Non-UM IRB Approval Documents" activity has been limited to run only once, by study team members, upon receiving external approval.
IBC Application
The IBC Application had several enhancements and improvements, including the following question updates:
Removed 53 Biological Toxins from the available selection list in section 4-2. Note: Any applications with those toxins selected will continue to show until personnel have removed them from the application.
Added a new question for procedure description to section 5-2 for Animal Derived Blood and Body Substances and reworded existing section 5 questions.
Made significant changes to sections 6 and 6-1, Animal Species and Animal Substance Administration Details with regard to dissection, routes of administration, containment levels, and containment level descriptions.
Added a new question to the Risk Mitigation section that asks whether work involving administration of BSL2 substances to animals will be done in a biosafety cabinet.
Other IBC application changes include:
Updated the Training section on IBC Approval letters, including a list of required courses based on whether BSL1 or BSL2 work is present.
Improved accessibility of the "Update" buttons throughout the application.
Improved the ability to edit and view the Proprietary Information question and answer.
For IBC Staff
Updated the IBC's Meeting Agenda template to remove "Updates from UMOR" and added the "Proprietary Information" indicator.
Added the ability for staff to enter a note at the Animal/Administered Substance level to give guidance to the PI on what ABSLs at which the animals should be contained.
Created an automatic reminder email, to be sent to reviewers with overdue pending reviews, on the Monday before a committee meeting.
For EHS Staff
- Updated the Decontamination question in the EHS Summary Report that was changed in the application smartform in a past release.