A busy and successful back-to-school!


ITS participates in annual events hosted by the university at the beginning of each academic year as an opportunity to speak with new graduate and undergraduate students about the many services and resources our department provides. Over 4,000 students, parents, faculty, and staff came out to the ITS Welcome to Michigan, #WiFiOnTheDiag, New Faculty Orientation, Rackham Welcome and Information Fair, and Festifall events during their first weeks back to campus. More than 30 members of ITS leadership and staff volunteered their time to welcome students to Michigan, handing out free IT swag, laptop stickers, food, and games. Students learned about the various tech resources available to them at the university, from tech consulting at the Computer Showcase, the ITS Service Center, WiFi, and Safe Computing resources to help protect their online identities and their devices. Over 75 ITS staff members also volunteered their time at the Computer Showcase, helping to sell i>clickers and assist students. These types of events present an amazing opportunity for students to learn how ITS supports them during their time at U-M. If you couldn’t attend any these event, or you simply missed the ITS table, you can find all of the information we discussed in the ITS Survival Guide, Net Guide, and Get Connected Guide. You can also visit the Safe Computing website for security alerts, tips on avoiding phishing scams, and other ways to stay safe online.