March 1, 2020
Framework Upgrade
The eResearch Regulatory Management (eRRM) system upgrade to 9.0, effective March 1, 2020, brings a number of user interface changes and navigation improvements to the smartforms for Human Subjects (HUM), Institutional Biosafety (IBCA), Participating Site (SITE), and Repository (REP) Applications.
See the Overview of Changes for more details about the upgrade, including:
- Relocated navigation buttons
- Jump To list is now Forms Menu
- Hide/Show Errors is now Validate
- Printing options
- Slide-ins instead of pop-up windows
- Relocated document controls
- Continue where you left off
For Human Subjects Applications
The Appointment Selection functionality for Study Team Members is improved and easier to use. It now displays the available appointments directly within the slide-in question.
For Participating Site, Repository, and Biosafety/IBC Applications
View Differences has a new interface.
- Within the Forms menu, you'll see a scale Compare button.
- At the top, you can pick which version to compare from the down down arrow.
- Sections or pages with a pencil pencil icon indicate that changes were made.
- Click a pencil pencil to view the change in the smartform. Differences display below the changed question, including who made change and when, what the change was, and version number).
- You can expand expand and collapse collapse the differences to view further details.
For Repository Applications
Clicking View Submission from the Repository Workspace opens the entire application in one long, scrollable, read-only page.