Izzy for iOS Platform as a Service Support & Availability


The reporting and communication regarding changes and enhancements depends on the type. These are detailed below:

  • Routine Software and Security Updates
    Updates are implemented on a regular basis (weekly, Thursday 6:30 p.m., when practical). A list of updates will be sent to the Izzy Notify email group before release.
  • Enhancements
    Enhancements typically change the subscriber's experience. Unit IT contacts will receive notification of service enhancements. ITS will share communications around enhancements targeted to full-service (non a la carte) customers that units may choose to reuse with their own constituencies at their discretion.
  • Emergency Changes
    Emergency changes include fixes to critical functionality or security­-driven releases and may or may not impact the user interface. Emergency changes are implemented as quickly as possible and are communicated post­-release (or pre­release, if viable).

Service Availability

Izzy for iOS Platform as a Service is available 24/7 with the exception of planned and emergency maintenance outages.

  • Planned Maintenance​
    Izzy for iOS Platform as a Service depends on underlying ITS infrastructure that have maintenance windows that may impact availability. ITS publishes any maintenance on the ITS Service Status page.
  • Emergency Maintenance
    In rare instances, an emergency may require an urgent maintenance process or change and a related disruption of the service. ITS follows a standard process for emergency changes and announces these changes on the ITS Service Status page.
  • End User Support​
    Izzy for iOS Platform as a Service does not provide end-user support. Subscribing units are responsible for assisting their customers and/or escalating service related issues to the Izzy support team.