Getting Started with Cloudflare

Service Offerings

Basic Turnkey Self Service

Basic protection for websites and DNS servers that do not qualify for the enterprise service offerings.

Simple, easy, “set and forget” enterprise-grade protection for websites under U-M .edu domains.

Fully customizable enterprise-grade protection for qualifying domains (websites and DNS).

You can manage Cloudflare, or have ITS manage Cloudflare for you. ITS will manage Cloudflare for you. You can manage Cloudflare, or have ITS manage Cloudflare for you.

Best suited for:

  • Protecting non-mission-critical websites in non-UM domains (.org, .com, etc.).
  • Protecting DNS servers.

Best suited for:

Protecting regular and mission-critical websites in U-M domains.

Best suited for:

  • Protecting regular and mission-critical websites in the main domains of schools, colleges, campuses, and major units.
  • Protecting mission-critical websites in non-UM domains (.org, .com, etc.).
  • Protecting DNS servers for domains with mission-critical websites.

To determine what service is best suited for you, visit Choosing a Cloudflare Service Offering.

Request Form

After you have reviewed the offerings and determined the best fit for your needs, complete the Cloudflare request form.

Migration Approach

Move each of your websites behind Cloudflare by following the detailed migration steps:

  1. Move any non-production (development, staging, test, or quality assurance) instances of the website to Cloudflare to ensure that everything works properly.
  2. Move the production (live) instance of the website.

For details, visit Migrating a Website to Cloudflare.

Need Help?

If you have questions or need help with Cloudflare at U-M, please contact [email protected].