MCommunity Directory Support

Attention MCommunity Group Owners!

My Groups in MCommunity now includes a new Trash tab showing group owners all their deactivated and expired groups.

  • Owners can recover groups for 30 days after they are deactivated (moved to Trash) by any owner.
  • Owners can recover groups for one year after they expire on the Trash tab.
  • Owners can permanently delete groups on the Trash tab during the recovery period if appropriate.
  • Groups on the Trash tab are not fully functional and will not deliver email to group members.

The associated email notifications have also been improved:

  • New: Group owners are notified when a group is deactivated by any owner.
  • Changed: Previously, group owners were notified 90 and 30 days before a group expired; they will now be notified 30 days before and immediately after expiration. The wording of notifications is also changing.