eResearch Replacement Project

Journey to 2031

eResearch, the university's platform for research administration, will need to be replaced by Fall 2031 because the current vendor is discontinuing support for its software products. The systems impacted by this change include:

Planning for the Future

In preparation for this transition, a two-year planning project to develop a recommendation for migration has commenced.

A cross-disciplinary team is developing a strategy to move the university's research administration services to new solutions with minimal disruption, while ensuring continuous support.

Information Gathering

Working groups are collaborating to identify business requirements, explore market alternatives, and evaluate replacement solutions.

Team members are comprised of:

  • Office of the Vice President for Research
  • Information and Technology Services
  • Governance committees
  • Campus research administration

The project team will make a recommendation and secure funding before starting the next phase of the project, which will include purchasing, implementation, training, and change management.

Project Status

Discovery Phase

This project is currently in a discovery phase, where the university is gathering information about potential solutions and market conditions.

We will use strategies like a Request for Information (RFI), product demos, business requirements gathering, and fit gap analysis (process for identifying the difference between known requirements and proposed solutions) to make a recommendation and outline a proposed schedule, budget, and resources to migrate all four product lines by the 2031 deadline.

Once the recommendation is approved and funded, we will enter the Request for Proposal (RFP) phase to select partners and begin contract negotiations.

Throughout these phases, the university community will have opportunities to provide critical input.

Suggestions or Questions

We want to hear from you! Please take this brief survey to share your feedback on current eResearch systems as U-M prepares for the transition to a new platform.

Questions should be directed to the project team at [email protected].