MiCORES is a hosted online resource management system provided by Agilent Technologies used by U-M to manage requests for use of Research Cores at the University of Michigan. Research cores include shared supplies, equipment, instrumentation, facilities, services, expertise, and other technology, to help University of Michigan researchers (and external researchers) with their research.
MiCORES primary functionality includes
- resource scheduling (calendars for reserving specific resources),
- usage and reporting that leverages U-M Service Unit Billing capabilities,
- shortcode validation (removes shortcode errors in billing services),
- and time and cost tracking against projects/grants.
MiCORES was initially adopted by the Medical School's Biomedical Research Core Facilities (BRCF) in Fall 2013, then administered by the University of Michigan Office of Research (UMOR) with support from Health Information Technology Services (HITS). As of November 1, 2021, ITS began supporting this enterprise service for the university.
At U-M, over 90 facilities and services are available in MiCORES with plans to include additional cores each year. See Michigan Research Cores for a searchable directory of all core resources and expertise at the University of Michigan. Additionally, a list of all the U-M Research Cores using the MiCORES system is available.