Campus Building Network Connections

The table below contains connection information for U-M campus buildings connected to the Core Network (Backbone).

Connection Type Primary DL Speed Second DL Speed
Building Code Building Name DLs Uplinks Link 1 Link 2 Link 1 Link 2
1000VICTORS Atrium II 1 2 10 G 10 G
109MAD Madison Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
1100NUB 1100 North University Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
1NMAIN One North Main 1 2 100 G 100 G
210SFIFTH 210-212 S. Fifth Ave. 1 2 100 G 100 G
300NIB 300 North Ingalls Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
309MAYNARD 309 Maynard 1 2 100 G 100 G
317MAYNARD 317 Maynard St 1 2 100 G 100 G
330ELIB Michigan Square 1 1 10 G
3663WOOD Orchestra Place 1 1 10 G
400NIB 400 North Ingalls Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
500EWASH McKinley Towne Centre II 1 2 10 G 10 G
506LIB Carver Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
523SDIV 523 S. Division Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
540LIB Liberty Centre 1 2 10 G 10 G
710FOR Towsley Childrens House 1 2 1 G 1 G
ACAD Stephen M Ross Academic Ctr 1 2 1 G 1 G
ALUMNI Alumni Center 1 2 100 G 100 G
ANGL Angell Hall 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
AOC Athletic Department Operations Center 1 2 1 G 1 G
ARBL Arbor Lakes 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
ARCANX Hoover Annex 1 2 1 G 1 G
ARG Argus Building I 1 2 100 G 100 G
ARG2 Argus Building II 2 2 1 G 1 G
ARTARC Art and Architecture 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
ASB Administrative Services 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
ATHADM John P Weidenbach Hall 1 2 1 G 1 G
AUTO Lay Auto Lab 1 2 100 G 100 G
AUXSRV Auxiliary Services Building 1 1 2 100 G 100 G
BAITS Vera Baits II Coman House 1 2 100 G 100 G
BARBOUR Betsy Barbour 1 2 100 G 100 G
BENT Bentley Historical Library 1 2 1 G 1 G
BEYSTER Bob and Betty Beyster Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
BIRB Bonisteel Interdisciplinary Research Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
BOYER Boyer Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
BSB Biological Science Building 1 2 10 G 10 G
BUHR Buhr Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
BURNHAM Burnham House 1 2 1 G 1 G
BURS Bursley Hall 1 2 100 G 100 G
BURTON Burton Memorial Tower 1 2 1 G 1 G
BUS Business School 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
CANHAM Donald B Canham Natatorium 1 2 1 G 1 G
CCRB Central Campus Recreation Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
CHEM Chemistry 1 2 100 G 100 G
CHRY Chrysler Center 1 2 100 G 100 G
CHURCH Church St Parking Structure 1 2 1 G 1 G
CLEM William L. Clements Library 1 2 1 G 1 G
COLISEUM Coliseum 1 2 1 G 1 G
COOL Cooley Memorial Laboratory 1 2 100 G 100 G
COUZ Couzens Hall 1 2 100 G 100 G
CPP Central Power Plant 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
CRIS Crisler Center 1 2 100 G 100 G
DANA Dana Samuel Trask Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
DC Duderstadt James and Anne Center 1 2 100 G 100 G
DENT School of Dentistry Building 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
DOW Dow Herbert H Building 1 2 10 G 10 G
EECS Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
EHALL East Hall 1 2 100 G 100 G
EQUAD East Quadrangle 1 2 100 G 100 G
ERB Engineering Research Building 1 and 2 1 2 100 G 100 G
EWRE Environmental and Water Resources Engineering 1 2 100 G 100 G
FISHER Ray Fisher Baseball Stadium 1 2 1 G 1 G
FLDHKY Field Hockey Team Center 1 2 1 G 1 G
FLETCH Fletcher Hall 1 2 100 G 100 G
FRB Ford Motor Company Robotics Building 1 2 40 G 40 G
FXB Francois-Xavier Bagnaud Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
GALLERIA Galleria Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
GERS Carl Gerstacker Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
GFL Gorguze Family Laboratory 1 2 10 G 10 G
GGBL GG Brown Laboratory 1 2 10 G 10 G
GINS Ginsberg Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
GLAZIER Univ Hospitals Child Care Center 1 2 1 G 1 G
GOLF Golf Clubhouse 1 2 1 G 1 G
GREENCT 3520 Green Ct 1 2 100 G 100 G
GYMN Shepherd Womens Gymnastic 1 2 1 G 1 G
HART Marie D Hartwig Admin Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
HATCH Hatcher H North Graduate Library 1 2 100 G 100 G
HILL Hill Auditorium 1 2 1 G 1 G
HOOVA Facilities Services Building A 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
ICLE Institute of Continuing Legal 1 2 1 G 1 G
IM Intramural Sports Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
IOE Industrial and Operations Engineering Building 1 2 10 G 10 G
ISR Institute For Social Research 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
ITC Indoor Taining Center 1 2 1 G 1 G
JEFF Jeffries Hall 1 2 100 G 100 G
KEC Kellogg Eye Center 1 2 1 G 1 G
KELSEY Kelsey Museum 1 2 100 G 100 G
KINES School of Kinesiology Building 1 2 10 G 10 G
LANE Lane Hall 1 2 1 G 1 G
LAW Hutchins Hall 1 2 100 G 100 G
LBME Lurie Biomedical Engineering Building 1 2 10 G 10 G
LEAGUE Michigan League 1 2 10 G 10 G
LEC Lurie Engineering Center 1 2 10 G 10 G
LEINWEBER Leinweber Computer Science and Information Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
LIFSCI Mary Sue Coleman Hall (Life Sciences Institute) 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
LLOYD Alice C Lloyd Hall 1 2 100 G 100 G
LORCH Lorch Hall 1 2 10 G 10 G
LQUAD Lawyers Club and Munger Residence 1 2 100 G 100 G
LSA LSA 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
MAIL 1032 Greene Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
MARYGROVE Marygrove Madame Cadillac 1 1 10 G
MBG Matthaei Botanical Gardens 1 2 1 G 1 G
MCITY Mcity 1 2 100 G 100 G
MCOOK Martha Cook Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
MCPARK Medical Center Dr. Parking Structure 1 2 100 G 100 G
MITC South State Commons II 2 2 1 G 1 G
MITCH Mitchell Field Recreation Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
MLB Modern Languages Building 1 2 10 G 10 G
MMPL Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project Laboratory 1 2 100 G 100 G
MOJO Mosher-Jordan 1 2 100 G 100 G
MRKL Mary B. Markley Hall 1 2 100 G 100 G
MUNGER Munger Graduate Residences 1 2 10 G 10 G
MUSART Museum of Art 1 2 1 G 1 G
MUSIC Moore Earl V Bldg 1 2 100 G 100 G
NAME Navel and Marine Engineering 1 2 10 G 10 G
NCCOMM Pierpont Wilbur K Commons 1 2 100 G 100 G
NCFAM Northwood Community Center 1 2 1 G 1 G
NCGSF North Campus Ground Svc Facilities 1 2 100 G 100 G
NCHOUS North Campus Housing Service Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
NCRB North Campus Recreation Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
NCRC North Campus Research Complex 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
NCSUPPORT North Campus Support Facility 1 2 1 G 1 G
NEWB Newberry Residence 1 2 100 G 100 G
NEWS Michigan News Building 2 2 1 G 1 G
NQUAD North Quad 1 2 100 G 100 G
NURS School of Nursing 2 2 10 G 10 G
NW3SVC Cram Place Community Center 1 2 10 G 10 G
NW5 Northwood V Telecommunications Building 1 2 2 10 G 10 G
OBLODGE Observatory Lodge 2 2 1 G 1 G
OXFORD Oxford Houses Goddard Hall 1 2 100 G 100 G
PALMER Palmer Commons 1 2 100 G 100 G
PARK North Campus Facilities Services Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
PERRY Perry Building 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
PHYPRO Physical Properties Building 2 2 1 G 1 G
PLAYERCTR Davidson Player Development Center 1 2 1 G 1 G
PLTSVC Plant Services 2 2 10 G 10 G
POWER Power Center for Performing Arts 1 2 1 G 1 G
PRES Presidents Residence 1 2 1 G 1 G
RACK Rackham Horace H School of Graduate Studies 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
REVELL William D. Revelli Band Rehearsal Hall 1 2 1 G 1 G
RNDL Randall Harrison M Laboratory 1 2 100 G 100 G
RUTHVEN Ruthven Alexander G Museums Bldg 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
SAB Student Activities Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
SAFETY Campus Safety Services Building 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
SCHEM Glenn E. Schembechler Hall 1 2 1 G 1 G
SEB School of Education Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
SHAPIRO Shapiro Harold T and Vivian B Library 1 2 100 G 100 G
SIN SI North 1 2 100 G 100 G
SINMR SI North Machine Room 1 2 100 G 100 G
SOFTBALL Softball Stadium 1 2 100 G 100 G
SPC Sports Performance Center 1 2 100 G 100 G
SPH1 Vaughan Henry Frieze Public Health Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
SPH2 Francis Thomas Jr Public Health Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
SQUAD South Quadrangle 1 2 100 G 100 G
SRB Space Research Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
SSW School of Social Work Building 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
STAD Michigan Stadium N Plaza Building A 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
STEARN Frederick Streans Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
STOCK Stockwell Hall 1 2 100 G 100 G
STUPUB Lipsey Student Publications Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
TAPPAN Tappan Hall 1 2 10 G 10 G
TENNIS Preston Robert Tisch Tennis Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
THAYER 202 South Thayer Building 2 2 1 G 1 G
TMC Trotter William Monroe Multicultural Center 1 2 10 G 10 G
TRANSP Transportation Services Building 1 2 1 G 1 G
TRANSPDEAN Dean Road Transportation Facility 1 2 100 G 100 G
TROTTER William Monroe Trotter House 1 2 1 G 1 G
UHS Health Service 2 4 100 G 100 G 100 G 100 G
UMTRI U-M Transportation Research Institute 1 2 100 G 100 G
UNYN Michigan Union 1 2 100 G 100 G
USB Undergraduate Science Building 1 2 100 G 100 G
VARSITY Research Museums Center 1 2 100 G 100 G
VAUGHN Vaughan Victor C House 1 2 100 G 100 G
WALG Walgreen Drama Center 1 2 1 G 1 G
WEILL Weill Joan & Sanford Hall 1 2 100 G 100 G
WEISER Weiser Hall 1 2 10 G 10 G
WHALL West Hall 1 2 100 G 100 G
WOTO Wolverine Tower 1 2 100 G 100 G
WQUAD West Quadrangle 1 2 100 G 100 G
WRESTLING Bahna Wrestling Center 1 2 1 G 1 G
YOST Yost Ice Arena 1 2 1 G 1 G
1100VICTORS 1100 Victors Way 1 2 1 G Wireless 1 G Wireless
115WHURON 115 W Huron Street 1 1 1 G Wireless
1580ELLS 1580 Ellsworth Road 1 1 750 M Wireless
1631SSTATE 1631 South State 1 1 100 M Wireless
201SDIV 201 S. Division 1 1 750 M Wireless
301ELIB 301 E. Liberty 1 2 1 G Wireless 1 G Wireless
333MAYNARD 333 Maynard 1 1 1 G Wireless
555SFOREST 555 South Forest Building 1 2 1 G Wireless 750 M Wireless
625LIB 625 E Liberty Street 1 1 100 M Wireless
HENDERSON Mary B Henderson House 1 1 1 G Wireless
TRAVER 1201 Plymouth Road 1 2 1 G Wireless 750 M Wireless
WALLSTPARK Wall Street Parking Structure 1 1 750 M Wireless