M-Inform Instructions & Resources

Discloser/Conflicted Individuals

When Disclosing Outside Interests

When Determining if a Conflict of Interest (COI) Exists

  • Submit Information for a Research Initiated Certification - Instructions to complete a Research Initiated Certification (RC). Your answers to the RC questions provide detail about a specific outside interest that helps the COI Office determine if an outside interest represents a potential conflict of interest (COI).
  • Submit Feedback to COI Office - Instructions to submit feedback about disclosure questions after the initial submission of an RC to respond to additional questions from the COI Office about a potential COI.

When You Have a COI

Ombuds, Monitors, Other Approvers

When You are Responsible for the Oversight of a COI Situation

Unit Assistants, Reviewers, Administrators

When You Assist Others to Complete their Outside Interest Disclosure

Prepare/Update an Outside Interest Disclosure for Others - Instructions for Unit Administrators (proxies) to enter outside interest disclosure data for another person.

When You are Responsible for Reviewing Disclosures for Your School/College or Organization

When You are Responsible for Your Unit's Use of M-Inform

Note: If a unit wishes to make changes to their departmental disclosure requirements, the Department Administrator may submit a request to the ITS Service Center between November 1 and April 30 for the upcoming fiscal year.