The MLane network service, originally set up during COVID to support U-M students in China, will be retired by April 30, 2025.
U-M students studying remotely from China can use MLane for more reliable, high-speed access to specific U-M teaching and learning tools and resources, including:
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Box
- CAEN Virtual Desktop
- Canvas
- CoE Lecture Capture
- Coursera
- Dropbox
- Duo
- Echo360
- Explorance Blue
- Google GSuite
- Gradescope
- Hathi Trust
- iClicker
- Kaltura
- LinkedIn Learning
- MediaSite
- Office 365
- Panopto
- Perusall
- Piazza
- Qualtrics
- Slack
- U-M Websites
- Virtual Sites
- Yellowdig
- Zoom
Get Started
Find instructions for configuring your device to connect to MLane: