Measuring Service Delivery: MiWorkspace Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

This information was emailed on April 14, 2015, to members of [email protected].

Measuring improvement of MiWorkspace service for our customers is a priority for ITS. The data identifies areas we need to improve or maintain quality.

We chose the following six core aspects to report on in every MiWorkspace Service Update. All data is from December 2014-February 2015. Critical, high, moderate, and normal ticket are defined in the MiWorkspace SLE.

Response -Tickets worked on in the target time after the ticket is reported.
Actual - 84%
Goal - 90%

Response targets are:

  • Critical - 10 minutes
  • High - 20 minutes
  • Moderate - 2 hours
  • Normal - 4 hours

Dispatch -Tickets assigned to staff outside of the ITS Service Center in the target timeframe.
Actual - 84%
Goal - 90%

Dispatch targets are:

  • Critical - 10 minutes
  • High - 20 minutes
  • Moderate - 1 hour
  • Normal - 1 hour

Resolution - Tickets resolved in the target timeframe.
Actual - 86%
Goal - 90%

Resolution targets are:

  • Critical - 4 hours
  • High - 24 hours
  • Moderate - 5 business days
  • Normal - 10 business days

Customer Tickets - Portion of MiWorkspace customers who submitted tickets.
Incidents - 10.94%
Requests - 10.05%

Resolution by Tier 14% - Tier 1 (ITS Service Center)
74% - Tier 2 (Neighborhood IT)
12% - Tier 3 (Engineering teams and other ITS staff)

Incident Duration - Median length of time to resolve incident tickets.
Critical - 23 hours
High - 8 hours
Moderate - 1 day
Normal - 2 days