M-Pathways Update, November 2020


The latest M-Pathways Update is available in My LINC. This issue contains news about Safe Computing.

For past issues, search "MPathways Update" in My LINC.

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  • Collaboration on new HIPAA course for the Shared Services Center (SSC)
    ITS and the SSC recently collaborated on a HIPAA data-protection training course. ITS shared a copy of the course for SSC to customize, then helped the SSC use My LINC to publish the course, assign it to SSC staff, and automate email notifications.
  • Duo Restore function enabled for iOS and Android
    A new Duo setting makes it easier to reactivate the Duo Mobile app when you get a new device. The Duo Restore function gets the app working without requiring a separate reactivation step.
  • A new email security tool — Virtru!
    Students, staff, and faculty on the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses can use Virtru to encrypt email to any recipient (note: Michigan Medicine provides a similar capability for its email service).
  • Password tip: Use a unique password for every site and service
    Do not reuse your UMICH (Level-1) password. Try to set a unique password for each site and online service you use (or use a password manager to do so), and never use your UMICH password for non-university accounts or services.


This message is sent quarterly to M-Pathways Financials and Physical Resources (FIN), Human Resource Management System (HRMS), and Student Administration (SA) systems operational users and unit liaisons.