The latest M-Pathways Update is available in My LINC. This issue contains news about Human Resource Management, Student Administration and Safe Computing. Click the article links to read more.
For past issues, search "MPathways Update" in My LINC.
Human Resource Management System
- PAR: Michigan Medicine HR Approvers
The Michigan Medicine HR Approvers link on the PAR Approvals page has been updated to a more current listing of approvers. This listing gets updated more frequently than the previous version and should provide more accurate approval information.
Student Administration
- New Schedule Builder
Attention Advisors: The new Schedule Builder tool within Atlas will be available starting March 24. Students will be able to access it both from M-Pathways and Atlas. Advisors and staff will also be able to view the tool via Atlas.
Safe Computing
This message is sent quarterly to M-Pathways Financials and Physical Resources (FIN), Human Resource Management System (HRMS), and Student Administration (SA) systems operational users and unit liaisons.