ITS Teaching & Learning 2022 Summit

August 9-10, Weiser Hall

Get ready for fall

The ITS Teaching & Learning 2022 Summit will be an opportunity to exchange ideas related to teaching and learning while exploring new and existing educational technology tools available at U-M. This hybrid event will be held at 1010 Weiser Hall and open to all U-M staff and faculty. The event will run from 12–5 p.m. on both days.

August 9 will focus on MiVideo and August 10 will focus on Canvas and instructional technology.

Lunch and light refreshments will be provided. We ask that you register for each day's event so we can get an accurate count of the food order. 

 In-person attendees need to register by the end of the day on August 4 in order to receive lunch.

Register today!

Register for each day separately using the links below:

August 9 - MiVideo -

August 10 - Canvas/Instructional Technology -

Looking forward to everyone registering for this event!

Agenda Summary

August 9 - MiVideo August 10 - Canvas/Instructional Technology



Lunch & Networking Lunch & Networking
Kaltura Events Platform The New Blend: Balancing In-person and Online Modes
Kaltura Roadmap How to Use Open Educational Resources (OER)
State of MiVideo @ Michigan A Simple/Low-Tech Active Learning Tool for Engineering/STEM Classes
What MiVideo Analytics Tell Us Special Needs in a Digital Age: Using technology to create a more accessible classroom
Annoto Video Annotation Pilot NameCoach Service & Service Offerings Usage
Kaltura Accessiblity & Enrichment Tools: It's more than just captions Teaching in Extended Realities
  MiQuizMaker Assessment Tool
more to come... Beyond Accessibility to Universal Design: Tools and Strategies
  Show them the data! My Learning Analytics for students
  Placement Exams in New Quizzes
  Did you know that U-M is an Adobe Creative Campus?