MiCORES Support

See Browser & Operating System Support for system requirements & recommendations. Use of non-recommended browsers can result in unexpected behaviors and data input.



New Users

MiCORES uses a navigation structure that relies on a left-hand navigation panel (typically hidden) for access to all high-level system areas, combined with several navigation elements at the top of the screen that provide access to various system functions. Below you will find documentation to assist you with navigation through the MiCORES system.

Core/Facility Staff & Administrators

Core Administrators and their staff are responsible for managing all aspects of a core. This includes maintaining the services and resources offered, managing requests and reservations, completing billing events, running reports and managing settings as needed. Below you will find documentation to assist you with the management of your core or facility operations within MiCORES.

Core Administrators can use Surveys to ask users to rate aspects of their experience of a core facility, an event, or a service. Complete a MiCORES: Survey Assessment Form to request a survey consultation with the MiCORES support team.

Financial Managers

Lab Managers can also be assigned as Financial Contacts in MiCORES (also referred to as a fund or Shortcode manager). Individuals designated as MiCORES lab manager AND financial contacts have rights within the lab similar to the Principal Investigator (PI) and also receive notification emails when a financial approval is needed.  Financial contacts can also view and manage invoices sent to their PI.  Below you will find information to assist with the management of your PI's MiCORES Lab (Group).

Principal Investigators

All sponsored Shortcodes and their owners are pre-loaded into the MiCORES system. You can verify the Shortcodes available in your lab by clicking on "My Groups" in the left-hand navigation, and then selecting the appropriate lab. Note: if you are a member of only one lab, you will be taken directly into the lab main page.  Below you will find information to assist with the management of your MiCORES PI Lab (Group).

Institutional Administrators

The institution level roles allow management of all groups, facilities and organizations under one institution. Institution roles are the highest level of access for customer user accounts. Below you will find documentation to assist you with institutional management within the MiCORES system.

Agilent Support

Agilent CrossLab has a robust support site and knowledge base. For help with system navigation and more, see the following on Agilent’s Help Resource Hub:

Training Videos