On September 27, Information Quest (IQ) will release the Learning Analytics Data Architecture (LARC) data set.
LARC is the result of a two year long partnership with many units on campus:
- Office of Academic Innovation
- School of Information
- Office of Enrollment Management
- Registrar's Office
- Office of Undergraduate Admissions
- Office of Financial Aid
- Office of Budget & Planning
- Institute for Social Research
LARC collects student portraits for nearly 300,000 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students who have attended U-M over the past 20 years. Student portraits include demographic and biographic information, application information, programs of study, classes and outcomes, and more. LARC was optimally designed for learning analytics research use and is likely to draw interest from many diverse areas around campus. The majority of data is governed by the Registrar's Office through standard data stewardship processes.
To request access to the LARC data set, submit an OARS request. As with any other data requests, Unit Liaisons will be asked to approve the validity of requests before those request progress to ITS and university-level data stewards for official review.
If you have questions, please contact the ITS Service Center.