About MiWorkspace Quality Assurance

This information was emailed on September 14, 2016, to members of miworkspaceupdates@umich.edu.

Thanks to the QA team, most of the nearly 2,000 changes released each year to MiWorkspace go completely unnoticed by the faculty and staff who use a MiWorkspace device. The QA team plays a critical role in the communication process when the user experience is substantially altered by the change. The team coordinates with other technical teams in ITS and U-M to anticipate changes that may impact the software and hardware supported by MiWorkspace.

Using over 75 computers and printers, the QA team analyzes the change using a set of predefined standards to determine:

  • Compatibility with over 200 unique software titles, including supported browsers and university-wide applications and administrative systems.
  • Compatibility with three Windows operating systems (Windows 7, 8.1, and 10) and four Mac operating systems (Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, and Sierra).
  • Performance using current and previous MiWorkspace standard hardware and recommended printer models.
  • Performance with U-M networks (WiFi) and computing environments.
  • Satisfactory software performance (for example, no prompts to upgrade or purchase another product).

The QA lab is often the last step releasing a change to production. However, significant software updates are released to the MiWorkspace Beta Testers group first. This group consists of about 300 staff from many units that have volunteered to receive changes early and report issues.

Members of the QA lab, from left to right: Nate Estell, Samantha Pfeiffer, David Chambers, Andrew Foldesi, and Jon Snoeberger. Not pictured: Rhian Copeland, supervisor of the Quality Assurance lab.