Fostering Device Independence

Make your web pages more usable across devices.

Mobile First

The Mobile First approach calls for designing websites and creating content for mobile device users first and desktop users second.

  • Motivates ITS teams to pare down information to the essentials.
  • Encourages a focus and prioritization of content based on mobile design constraints.
  • Presents opportunities for innovation by building on what mobile devices can do.
  • Urges groups to be vigilant about online performance, resulting in fast-loading websites irrespective of the device used.

Rather than creating long pages with tables of contents, we should use web writing and atomic content techniques to build shorter, focused, connected pages that limit scrolling.

Responsive Design

Responsive Design is a set of coding techniques that allows the web page's elements to reflow/resize fluidly and sensibly depending on the size of the visitor's screen.

This can be integrated with the Mobile First approach to design by starting with the mobile design and designing reflow as the screen size increases.

“The Digital UX Team can help you implement Mobile First and Responsive Design.”

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