SharePoint Online

This project completed in July, 2019. This is an archive for informational purposes.

SharePoint Online is a cloud-based intranet service that helps organizations share and collaborate with colleagues, partners, and customers. Note: Sharepoint Online does NOT include SharePoint sites hosted on-premise by individual units (LSA, SI, and others). If you have a site with a Sharepoint service hosted by a unit, you are not affected by this migration.

Migration Path

ITS will migrate content to the new platform.

Updated July 10:

Sharepoint Online Sites are now being migrated to the new platform. The completion date is still unknown. 

Updated July 7: 

The SharePoint Online and Teams migration failed over the weekend. It will be restarted Sunday afternoon, but currently, the progress of SharePoint Online and Teams data migration is unknown. The project team is exploring alternative methods for migrating content and will post updates here as they become available.

Updated June 27:

  • SharePoint Online sites will not be accessible once the migration process starts at 5 p.m. on Friday, June 28.
  • Due to limitations in the data migration and sync process, the move of sites to the new platform will likely not be completed by Monday, July 1 as initially planned.
  • Sites should be accessible no later than July 5.

Impacts & Actions Needed After the Migration

  • Deleted sites in the Recycle Bin will not be migrated.
  • URLs to Bookmarked Sites will change. Remove and re-add them.
  • URLs to Sites being followed will change. Remove and re-follow them.
  • URLs in Recent will change. Remove them.
  • Site members may have been deleted. Check the membership of your Sharepoint sites and re-add members if needed.