Reports & Reconciliation Tools

Access to fiscal reporting must be requested through your Department ID managers, which can be identified through the SRS. See Permissions & Billing > Department Lookup > Type department ID and search the Department Manager Uniqnames and Role. Reports below can be accessed through the Service Request System.

  • Inventory & Location Report
    Provides a report on a unit’s total equipment and services, including location of telephone and data circuits. This report can assist with unrecognized directory number or feature. For more information, refer to the Traditional Features or VoIP Features pages. For assistance with Directory Numbers without locations, contact the Billing Group.
  • Toll Statements
    Provides a report on telephone usage charges. The comprehensive report includes charge summary, long distance, local, toll free, and recurring charges. The condensed does not include local and toll free charges.
  • Summary of Charges
    Provides a report on the unit’s expenditures for products and services.
  • Detail of Charges
    Provides a detailed report on the unit’s expenditures for products and services, including long distance, local, monthly recurring, and one-time monthly charges.
  • Non-Telephony Detail of Charges
    Provides a unit’s non-Telephony expenditures, including Desktop Backup, Container Services, MiBackup, MiStorage, Turbo Research Storage, Locker Storage, Data Den, MiServer, and MiDatabase. This report is updated within 4 business days after the end of each monthly billing cycle.
  • Department Look Up
    Find out who has access to a department and what role they have.
  • Chartfield Change Request
    Provides a way to modify unit Chartfield for billing using the Service Request System.
  • User ID Look Up
    Search a user to find the Department Manager, Chartfield, location, and billing information for user.
For unrecognized or erroneous call usage, monthly recurring, or other charges, contact the billing group at [email protected].