DirectAccess as a Service Features


  • Group Policy Objects (GPOs)
    ITS provides a configured GPO that links to Active Directory Organizational Units, which contain machine objects targeted to use DirectAccess.
  • Act as last-tier of DirectAccess support
    ITS provides assistance to Unit IT staff, and can escalate to Microsoft when necessary.
  • Troubleshooting documentation
    ITS provides basic troubleshooting documentation targeted to an Unit IT audience describing fundamental troubleshooting steps for DirectAccess for Windows 10 and above.
  • Routing of unit specific services through the secure tunnel
    ITS adds URLs or UNCs to unit specific services upon request to direct network traffic to these locations through the DirectAccess secure tunnel.

Rates & Pricing

$1/device/year, billed in monthly installments of $0.08/device.

The charge is determined by the number of Windows devices in the unit’s fleet.